- Title: Astrologer Dr.Krishnendu
- Description: Dr.Krishnendu Chakraborty is an experienced astrologer having proficiency in traditional astrology and palmistry. He has learnt(M.A.-M.Phil.-Ph.D.) astrology from International University of Astrological Science. He got doctorate on medical astrology. He is practicing astrology from 1995..
- Address: Howrah, Paschim Bangal, India
- Mobile: Send SMS
- Phone: Send SMS
- Email: kchakraborty1973@gmail.com
- Alternate Email: k_chakraborty1@yahoo.com
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- Note: Astrologer above is not associated with AstroSage.com. AstroSage.com doesn't support or endorse the astrologer.
Language Known: Bengali, English, Hindi,
Primary Skill: Astrology,
Astrology Expertise: Career Counseling, Corporate Astrology, Education, Financial Astrology, Gemstone, Health, Job, Mantra, Marriage, Medical Astrology, Remedial Astrology, Astrologers, Jyotish, Jyotishi, Marriage Matching, Muhurta,
Website: www.krishnendu.ammas.com
Profile URL: www.facebook.com/astrologerkrishnendu
Twitter URL: https://twitter.com/krish_1973
Facebook URL: https://www.facebook.com/krish1973
LinkedIn URL: http://www.linkedin.com/profile/view?id=135272941&trk=tab_pro
GooglePlus URL: https://plus.google.com/u/0/112083038595297891305/about/p/pub
Others SNS URL: N.A.
Tag: Hindu Astrology, Indian Astrology, Vedic Astrology, Indian Traditional Astrology